Young Adults Community
Young adults between the ages of 25 and 40 thrive with the support of a like-minded community. In fact, studies have shown that people are likely to form firm friendships with those who share the same interests, goals and values.
At City Harvest Church, we know just how important it is to have a group of supportive friends to do life together with. CHC’s young adults make up a vibrant and active community that connects through shared interests, hobbies, goals and friendship. Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or recently married; or if you’re in, or about to begin parenthood, our young adults community is here to enrich and empower you in every season of life.
To find out more, email [email protected].
A Look-Back on YA Retreat : Koinonia Overflow 2024
In August 2024, our young adults came together for a retreat to recharge, and renew their faith. Held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the retreat offered participants the chance to step away from their daily routines and engage in meaningful connection with other young adults. Our young adults experienced spiritual renewal during sessions of worship, prayer, and teaching that stirred their hearts and recharged their faith. Many came away with a fresh sense of God’s presence. Friendships were strengthened through shared experiences, meaningful conversations, meals, and fun group activities.
Here’s what some of the retreat participants had to say …
A Great Plan for My Life
“At the YA Retreat 2024, I felt God reminding me that in whatever situation I am placed in, He will always guide me through and has prepared a beautiful journey ahead of me. Regardless of my circumstances, I will always give thanks to God and surrender my fears and worries onto Him, knowing He has a great plan for my life.”
Janine Chua, 23, Teacher
Overflowing Presence
“I had such a lovely time of fellowship time with my Cell Group members who were also at the retreat. We had meaningful conversations and fellowship, and even had an impromptu Cell Group worship sessions which lasted till 2 am! We were all so touched by His overflowing presence. When we returned to Singapore after the retreat, our relationships with one another deepened and our Cell Group meetings were filled with an even thicker presence of God. That’s why they call it “koinonia overflow”!”
Felicia Djingga, 30, Piano Teacher
Durian Party!
“The YA retreat was full of memorable moments, but one of the most unique and special highlights was the durian party, where we feasted on golden nuggets under the moon and stars. Surprisingly, my friends from China and Taiwan actually loved the fruit. The evening was light-hearted and relaxing, where we simply shared stories and laughed together. A truly wonderful experience.”
Angeline Liu, 41, Business Owner
Doing "Life" Together
“The YA retreat had a good balance of spiritual moments and fun moments. When we came before the presence of God, we were passionate and focused. When it came to the games and prizes, it was the same. It was especially hilarious to see the intensity and determination one would go to in order to win—childlikeness, but with grown up wit. Church and Cell Group is more than just a social club for believers—it is where we experience different bits of Christian living and doing “life” together. It is where we pursue His Kingdom’s cause, discover God on a deeper level, love and serve one another, as well as those outside the four walls of the church.”
Keith Wong, 32, Senior Financial Consultant
Healing and Restoration
Ming Wei: My wife, Wendy, and I experienced a miscarriage almost a year ago and we have been struggling to cope with the loss since then. In spite of the despair, we chose to continually put our hope and trust in God and His plans for us as a family. Our marriage has always been a work-in-progress, with moments of highs and lows; putting in the effort to “make things work”. Together with our Young Adult Cell Group, we were so blessed by the sessions held during the retreat.
On the last day, Wendy had lost her voice and couldn’t utter a word or even a sound. Truly in the silence, it was when God “spoke the loudest”. She responded to the altar call and received a vision from the Lord. God was laying down on the floor beside her, face to face as He held her hand, smiling assuredly and gently. He said to her, “We are not in a hurry. Stay a while longer in My presence”. Then Wendy heard the word “restoration” impressed upon her heart repeatedly.
Wendy: When returned to my seat, I was looking for my husband hoping that we could pray together. When he was nowhere to be found, I felt lost and alone in that instant—the exact feeling I had after the miscarriage. Despite that, I just kept worshipping in my heart and weeping in my own space with God. I couldn’t speak or pray in tongues due to the total loss of my voice. In desperateness, I turned to God and said in my heart, “Lord, You know my heart’s desire. Bring my husband back to me, and if possible, let him initiate to pray with me”.
After some time, I felt familiar arms wrap around me as Ming Wei me and started praying. I knew it could only be God. As we both prayed and wept in His presence, we felt God’s healing and restoration taking place.
Then came a time of Holy Communion, where my husband and I serve each other with the bread and body that Jesus had broken for us, to give thanks for all that He had done. That moment was so precious for us, especially after what we had gone through in our marriage. It was an act of renewal and remembrance of how Jesus had taken our grief and pain on the cross. It was also a renewal of our love for each other as husband and wife.
Lim Ming Wei, 38, Singapore Police Force & Wendy Ong, 33, Executive Assistant
A Great Plan for My Life

“At the YA Retreat 2024, I felt God reminding me that in whatever situation I am placed in, He will always guide me through and has prepared a beautiful journey ahead of me. Regardless of my circumstances, I will always give thanks to God and surrender my fears and worries onto Him, knowing He has a great plan for my life.”
Janine Chua, 23, Teacher
Doing "Life" Together

“The YA retreat had a good balance of spiritual moments and fun moments. When we came before the presence of God, we were passionate and focused. When it came to the games and prizes, it was the same. It was especially hilarious to see the intensity and determination one would go to in order to win—childlikeness, but with grown up wit. Church and Cell Group is more than just a social club for believers—it is where we experience different bits of Christian living and doing “life” together. It is where we pursue His Kingdom’s cause, discover God on a deeper level, love and serve one another, as well as those outside the four walls of the church.”
Keith Wong, 32, Senior Financial Consultant
Durian Party!

“The YA retreat was full of memorable moments, but one of the most unique and special highlights was the durian party, where we feasted on golden nuggets under the moon and stars. Surprisingly, my friends from China and Taiwan actually loved the fruit. The evening was light-hearted and relaxing, where we simply shared stories and laughed together. A truly wonderful experience.”
Angeline Liu, 41, Business Owner
Overflowing Presence

“I had such a lovely time of fellowship time with my Cell Group members who were also at the retreat. We had meaningful conversations and fellowship, and even had an impromptu Cell Group worship sessions which lasted till 2 am! We were all so touched by His overflowing presence. When we returned to Singapore after the retreat, our relationships with one another deepened and our Cell Group meetings were filled with an even thicker presence of God. That’s why they call it “koinonia overflow”!”
Felicia Djingga, 30, Piano Teacher
Healing and Restoration

Ming Wei: My wife, Wendy, and I experienced a miscarriage almost a year ago and we have been struggling to cope with the loss since then. In spite of the despair, we chose to continually put our hope and trust in God and His plans for us as a family. Our marriage has always been a work-in-progress, with moments of highs and lows; putting in the effort to “make things work”. Together with our Young Adult Cell Group, we were so blessed by the sessions held during the retreat.
On the last day, Wendy had lost her voice and couldn’t utter a word or even a sound. Truly in the silence, it was when God “spoke the loudest”. She responded to the altar call and received a vision from the Lord. God was laying down on the floor beside her, face to face as He held her hand, smiling assuredly and gently. He said to her, “We are not in a hurry. Stay a while longer in My presence”. Then Wendy heard the word “restoration” impressed upon her heart repeatedly.
Wendy: When returned to my seat, I was looking for my husband hoping that we could pray together. When he was nowhere to be found, I felt lost and alone in that instant—the exact feeling I had after the miscarriage. Despite that, I just kept worshipping in my heart and weeping in my own space with God. I couldn’t speak or pray in tongues due to the total loss of my voice. In desperateness, I turned to God and said in my heart, “Lord, You know my heart’s desire. Bring my husband back to me, and if possible, let him initiate to pray with me”.
After some time, I felt familiar arms wrap around me as Ming Wei me and started praying. I knew it could only be God. As we both prayed and wept in His presence, we felt God’s healing and restoration taking place.
Then came a time of Holy Communion, where my husband and I serve each other with the bread and body that Jesus had broken for us, to give thanks for all that He had done. That moment was so precious for us, especially after what we had gone through in our marriage. It was an act of renewal and remembrance of how Jesus had taken our grief and pain on the cross. It was also a renewal of our love for each other as husband and wife.
Lim Ming Wei, 38, Singapore Police Force & Wendy Ong, 33, Executive Assistant