Financial Assistance
Every little bit goes a long way when one is facing severe financial challenges. In times of need, everyone can do with a helping hand, or someone to walk the journey with you. We want you to know that you are not alone. As a church family, we hope to provide some relief for you to tide over this difficult season and to achieve a certain degree of self-reliance during times of financial crises.
Some of our Financial Assistance programmes (non-exhaustive) include grocery expenses, utility expenses, house rental expenses, transport assistance, education assistance, cash assistance and more. These are made available to any City Harvest Church member or your family and friends.
If you need financial assistance, simply fill up this form and one of our pastoral staff will contact you and find out what help can be rendered to you. If you are from a social service agency and know of someone who needs financial assistance, you may fill up the form and include a brief report and recommendation along with your application.
In addition to our Financial Assistance schemes offered by City Harvest Church, more help can be found at our community services arm—City Harvest Community Services Association. Visit chcsa.org.sg/financial-assistance-schemes to find out more.
If you would like to find out more, or if you would like someone from CHC to contact you, do email [email protected].
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